How To Write Subject Lines That Stay Out Of The Trash

You’re ready to launch an email campaign.

While the copy in the email is important, the subject line is also critical.

For subject lines to be efficient, they need to be catchy to make the consumer want to open your email.

You may have an engaging email list, but the competition out there is fierce.

With companies across the globe using digital marketing, you are just one out of hundreds of emails that land in that inbox.

Hence, the importance of taking your time when creating your subject line so that your message stays out of the trash and spam bin.

Let’s go over some tips on writing an attention-grabbing subject line.

First, make sure your subject line is clear and concise. Most email providers only show the first 50 words in a subject line. Experts say it’s best to stick with ten words at the most, so that your consumer can read the entire subject line in one view.

Next, start your subject line with a strong verb. 

Using action words helps create urgency.

Adding time sensitive text in your subject line can also get the customer to click into your email. Using phrases like, “Limited Time Offer”, or “Last Call”, may get your customer to click on that email immediately.

Along with time sensitivity, personalization is also helpful when writing subject lines.

You may not be able to do it often, but if you can, try to include the recipient’s name in the subject line.

If you can’t, split up your email list based on interest.  This way, you can personalize the information in the email based on what attracts your customers.

While you may at times have excitement in your subject line, be sure to be careful with punctuation.  Too many exclamation marks and question marks may cause your email to land in spam. Experts say it’s best to stick with no more than three punctuation marks per subject line.

How about today’s popular emoji’s?

Sure! This is a fun way to visually grab the attention of the recipient. 

Of course, it depends on the tone and brand of your company. 

So, using emoji’s when it’s appropriate is a fun way to add some spice to your subject lines!

Finally, if you’re curious if your subject lines are effective, it’s best to test your content.

A/B testing subject lines is an easy way to help you understand what works best for your audience.

Once you measure your open rates, you can adjust your writing accordingly.

Overall, think of the subject line as a headline for your content. Make sure it’s an attention-grabber, short and to the point, but without too many punctuation marks, and you should be good to click send!


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