The Perfect Ingredients For A Happy Thanksgiving…Full Bellies & Full Hearts
The busiest time of the year is here, the holidays, and that means, food and prep! Parking lots are packed with families stocking up on ingredients for a delicious Thanksgiving meal.
But aside from the turkey, and of course the hustle and bustle, it’s important not to forget the “why” behind Thanksgiving gatherings.
Time spent with loved ones, traditions, and memories.
This means, the more hands in the kitchen, the more love you’ll have served up on your Thanksgiving table!
Whether you’re hosting or visiting, odds are more likely that you’ll be hitting the aisles for those last-minute ingredients.
And as you leave the kitchen to do so, don’t be afraid to let others step in to help get your meal ready. Make it easy on yourself…invite your guests to bring a tasty side, traditional or not, to go along with all the fixings.
If you have little kids, it’s never too early to start! Let them get in on the fun of decorating the house or setting the table.
Kids also love to stand by your side to be a part of the mashing of potatoes or licking the left-over whipped cream on the spoon while baking.
Imagine the look on their face and the twinkle in their eyes when you tell your guests that they helped you create the beautiful meal!
THESE are the memories and can even be the start of new family traditions.
While the kids are in the kitchen, your significant other can also be a part of the prep!
Don’t be afraid to turn them into your personal mixologist!
Give them the job of creating some crafty holiday cocktails!
Now that the table is set and the turkey is ready, all you need are your guests!
There sounds the bell!
As you carve into the turkey, pull on the wishbone and go around the table discussing what you’re thankful for, NinJo Group wants you to know how thankful we are for our amazing clients!
We are so delighted to help guide you through the journey to success.
Cheers to you and your family!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!